Herbalism: The Gentle Power in Your Daily Life


The New Year is upon us, and with it comes a rush of “shoulds” and “musts” for improving our health and well-being.  So I want to start this blog with something to stay mindful of––if a new health practice creates rather than reduces stress, it’s not doing its job. If you agree, then keep reading!

As I become more deeply entrenched in the fascinating world of herbalism, I’ve discovered new ways to integrate simple yet powerful herbal remedies into my daily life. They’re effective, easy to implement, and best of all––they don’t break the bank, which is especially important during a time of year when our wallets are already stretched thin. These practices aren’t just for physical wellness but for nurturing psychological health too.


So, dive into the suggestions here with a sense of how to integrate them into your unique lifestyle and routine. All ideas are flexible, so you can easily adapt them to fit your specific needs. And it’s fun––so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Sip a Morning Tea

Start your day with a cup of freshly brewed herbal tea. Whether it’s calming chamomile, invigorating peppermint, or rejuvenating green tea, this small ritual sets a tone of mindfulness and self-care. As you sip, take a moment to connect with yourself, your surroundings, and any intentions you have for the day ahead. This small but powerful practice can encourage the tea’s energy to align with your own.

Include Herbs in the Kitchen

Cooking with herbs is not only a culinary delight but also a way to infuse your meals with extra nourishment. Incorporate herbs like rosemary for memory support, fresh sweet basil leaves for anti-inflammatory properties, and turmeric with a touch of black pepper for its antioxidant benefits. These small additions not only add flavour and warmth to your meals, they also contribute significantly to your overall well-being.

Soothe with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, using herb-infused oils and candles, can have profound benefits to your psychological state. Lavender is well-known for its stress-relieving properties. Incorporating it into your evening routine can help in unwinding and preparing for a restful sleep. But leave the synthetic fragrances aside––they’re the ones you’ll find in your laundry detergent and dollar-store tea light candles––and opt for pure essential oils from reputed brands, like Young Living or DoTERRA.

Herbalism and Ayurveda: A Harmonious Blend

Interestingly, herbalism beautifully overlaps with Ayurveda, an 5000-year-old Indian healing system. Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of body, mind, and spirit, and uses herbs extensively to support this equilibrium. For instance, Ashwagandha, a staple in Ayurvedic medicine, is renowned for its stress-reducing and rejuvenating properties.


Understanding your Ayurvedic constitution or ‘dosha’ can guide you in choosing the right herbs for your body––and it’s fascinating to learn about! Whether it’s the fiery ‘Pitta’, the airy ‘Vata’, or the earthy ‘Kapha’, each dosha has specific herbal remedies that can help harmonize internal energies.

Herbs for Women’s Health

As women, our bodies undergo various cycles and changes. Herbs can be powerful allies during these transitions. For example, raspberry leaf is excellent for menstrual health, while herbs like Shatavari, as per Ayurvedic practices, support reproductive health and hormonal balance.


I’ve also recently discovered that stinging nettle is a potent natural antihistamine. For women who are particularly sensitive to the fluctuations in hormones at different phases of their cycle, may find some relief from high histamine levels with a daily cup of nettle tea. I like to toss in a few slices of fresh ginger root for its warming and detox benefits.

Mindfulness & Connection

Even in the smallest of spaces, you can create a personal herbal sanctuary. Growing herbs like basil, mint, or cilantro in your kitchen not only brings nature closer but also provides fresh, energetic herbs at your fingertips.


I love my herb family! I usually group a few together (so they have each other) at different areas around my home. My morning ritual is to visit each herb family, connect with their energy, and send them a little blessing for the day. I also take a moment to thank they for their healing properties.


This mindful approach can enhance the therapeutic benefits and align your energy with that of the earth. Personally, it’s a regular, necessary reminder of life beyond the human body.


While exploring herbalism, please ensure that you source your herbs responsibly. Opt for organic and ethically sourced herbs to ensure their purity and potency. Remember, the way we treat nature reflects how we treat ourselves.

Herbal Wisdom in Everyday Life

Incorporating herbalism into your daily life doesn’t have to be a huge or complex task. Start small, perhaps with a cup of herbal tea or a few potted plants. As you journey with these natural allies, you’ll find them to be much more than functional remedies. They are, indeed, a source of psychological comfort and a connection to the ancient wisdom of nature.


The beauty of herbalism lies in its simplicity and its profound connection with our holistic well-being. As you blend these practices with energy work, like Reiki, a powerful synergy is created that nurtures not just your body, but your soul and spirit. Embrace these gifts from Mother Nature, and let them guide you to a state of balanced, radiant health.


If you’re interested in diving into more healing remedies, I’d love to share my work with you. I’m a Reiki Master and practitioner deeply rooted in the energy healing arts, including hypnosis for wellness. I’m located in Durham Region, serving clients in Clarington and surrounding areas. Contact me today to get a beautiful, healing head start on the New Year!